25 Nov. – 28 Nov. 2024 in Christchurch
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha – University of Canterbury
The 2024 conference was planned by students from University of Canterbury.
The New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate society organizes an annual conference for students from around Aotearoa. While maintaining a high standard of excellence, with superb plenary speakers, the NZMASP conference is a more relaxed and social student conference which emphasizes networking and developing friendships alongside the sharing of knowledge. Most of New Zealand’s universities are separated from each other by a considerable distance. For the last two decades, the NZMASP conference has been instrumental in creating friendships and connections between mathematics and statistics postgraduate students from these different universities which last well beyond their studies. The conference serves as a platform for students to deliver their research to a general mathematics audience, and many cherish this event for the constructive feedback they receive in preparation for international conferences and provisional year reviews. We welcome anyone with special considerations (e.g. disabilities, bringing children, dietary, cultural) attending the conference. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can assist you.
View other photos from the conference here.
Email: admin@nzmasp.org.nz
Organizing Committee:
Abigail Edwards, Liam Gibson, Nathan Hartmann, Victor Lu, Liam MacDonald, Derek Perrin, Sebastian Petit, Kate Truman, Sophia Witham